As a result of the help and donations from volunteers and other community members, our fundraisers were more successful than we could have imagined. Through this blog, we will keep you updated on our journey as we put all of your donations to good use.

Saturday, June 9

Mambo! 6/9/2012

Mambo! 6/9/2012

These days have been pretty exciting for me (Katie). On Thursday, my 12th day, I got up and went to the school as normal. I helped a teacher type and print some documents he needed typed. I hung out with the children a lot of that day also. They are so great; so many questions. I then went up to see Babu's goats; but they were not there. They were out grazing so we had to go back on Friday (6.8.2012) to see them. Babu has about 35 goats; big and baby ones. They are so cute. Today, Friday, the school closed. Two grades, or as they call forms here are going home for a month. The only two, two and four, are staying at the school to prepare for their national examinations. These are so important they cannot afford to take a month break from their studies. I found out today that I will be teaching English for form 2. I am very excited about this!! I talked with the students pretty much all day today. They give me some really good insight just on life as I have never realized how lucky we are in America. They all had to walk or take buses home when they left. Not a single parent or family member came to pick the students up for their month long break. They each only had a backpack of belongings in which they brought to school. It is very very sad to see. But yet, they are all very happy with where they are and where they come from. On Saturday I went to the town of Bagamoyo and went and saw a few museums and the Indian Ocean. We went to a restaurant on the beach. The waiter, Babu and Albert all laughed at me because I asked for a menu. They do not have menus here.


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