As a result of the help and donations from volunteers and other community members, our fundraisers were more successful than we could have imagined. Through this blog, we will keep you updated on our journey as we put all of your donations to good use.

Tuesday, November 2

What the Future May Bring

Good Morning dedicated followers,

Its official, I have been neglecting this blog. But here I (Cassie) am with the updates:

I have been able to talk to Babu and other friends and family at least once a week since we left. Babu is doing well but says things like “life is hard without my beautiful bride” and “my darling wife is no longer here” and various heart breaking comments. Despite the obvious sadness, he is more positive about his health and survival than ever. Other close family members say he is doing well and staying busy. His son Bilo assured me that he is “American fine”, not just “TZ fine” so that is reassuring. Unfortunately, FANAKA is struggling. The primary issue is their inability to pay for teacher’s salaries. Babu in the past has sold plots of land to make ends meet but unfortunately he sold his last plot to pay off expenses for the funeral. We pray things will work out and the teachers will stay despite not getting a salary for two months. However, the Stationary Shop is doing really well. They make about $20 USD a day which they are able to filter back into the business or put back into FANAKA and ELA. Babu has already used $200 of the profits to pay a portion of the salaries for the month of October. ELA is also doing really well. Enrollment is on the rise (now 34 students) and the buzz over the library has been non-stop. I haven’t heard much about Olof or Hope and Joy since I’ve been back but I know they are busy with examinations and working on their libraries. I have asked for pictures or updates when they can so I hope those will come in after the term ends November 26th. BUT don’t hold your breath, we are on African time.

Addressing issues such as teacher’s salaries, hiring good leadership to ‘replace’ Bibi or covering general operating costs is not a focus of the TEP. However, it is in our best interest to find a balance between addressing pressing survival issues at our schools and focusing on self sustainability. Of course at the core of our organization and my deepest beliefs, staying true to self sustainability will ultimately make the greatest impact on the children of TZ. Most organizations do not invest in such projects because they can be slow. In the long run they may produce the most and give back in a greater way but the instant satisfaction might not be sufficient. This approach can also be difficult to sell to donors. When you have an opportunity to explain the situation most donors agree that this is the best way to address the problem however many cannot wait for the results. I can’t always blame them for that and it makes our job as an organization to discuss these issues and appeal to all donors that much more important. The point of this rambling is to say that the TEP will not give up on our mission in self sustainable projects however we will not be too ridged and ignore issues that threaten the livelihood of our schools. The larger the budget base we can work with the greater our ability is to keep that balance and help the people of TZ. This year our goal is $12,000. This budget will allow us to build a water catch system (Hydrate to Educate), build a garden (Garden Lunch Project) and start a chicken business (Raising a Future). Although this goal is ambitious, I am confident we can do it (after all we raised $17,000 in 8 months last year)!
I have been busy in Beaver Dam WI relaxing when I can, spending time with family and touching base with last year’s donors. I believe it is extremely important to go back to our supporters and show them what we’ve done with their donations. I know we made them proud and they deserve to see the impact they can make to children halfway across the world. I have had various presentations and meetings since I have returned and can gladly report that not everyone is sick of us yet. We have had prospects of continued donations and upcoming fundraisers. I look forward to see how the TEP’s previous donors continue to support us and how our new donors will help us out.

As many of you know, I will be moving to Denver Colorado on November 5th. I will be joined by Jen Rosenberg and Grace Undis who currently serve as TEP administrators. Although at times this may complicate meetings and presentation schedules, I am confident this shift will not affect TEP’s continuation in Wisconsin. Instead I look forward to branching out into Colorado, making new connections and finding a new, additional fundraising base. With technologies such as Skype, our website, blog, etc. it will allow us to continue business as usual. I am very excited to see what the future brings both personally but also as an organization.

I give my word that we will do our best in keeping our blog updated at least once a month. If you haven't done so already please check out our first website:

Thank you for your continued support!

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