As a result of the help and donations from volunteers and other community members, our fundraisers were more successful than we could have imagined. Through this blog, we will keep you updated on our journey as we put all of your donations to good use.

Thursday, September 2

Return Home

Hello again,

Unfortunately, this beautiful country has struck again with illness. As if malaria, worms and bacterial infections were not enough, Teresa has fallen very ill due to a reaction to her medication. She is currently in the best facility in Tanzania and is now improving. We will be cutting our trips short to be sure she can get the necessary follow-up treatments in Minnesota. We shall be arriving back in the states around September 16th and I am confident her condition will improve.

Please keep Teresa and her family in your prayers as this is a difficult time for them. As her close friend and colleague I am very proud of Teresa. Her accomplishments here in TZ have been remarkable and she has been nothing but an asset to the TEP. Her impact will last within these kids forever.

I will do my best to update you readers before I leave or shortly after I return to the US. If you wish to send a message to her or her family you may do so at

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