As a result of the help and donations from volunteers and other community members, our fundraisers were more successful than we could have imagined. Through this blog, we will keep you updated on our journey as we put all of your donations to good use.

Saturday, August 28

August Update

This blog entry will try to update you from August 12 ish- August 29. We apologize to our avid followers as over the past ten days our minds, hearts and bodies were not yet ready to address you. However, it is important to the memory of Bibi, to the livelihood of this family and to the children of our schools that our efforts continue here; so I will do my best to fill you all in.

ELA is going great. On August 17th we finished ELA’s library which brought over 1,000 children’s books into the hands of Bunju A’s children. With ELAAP (ELA’s Advertising Project) brining in 4 new and continuing to gain interest among local parents the library was the final touch to make ELA one of the most unique Nursery School in the area. The parents and local villagers are going nuts over the books and word is spreading quickly. Teacher Frida has received 10 calls concerning openings and inquiring about school fees. Plus the students are in love with the books. They beg Frida for reading time and she laughs about them being well behaved and quiet when they are able to see the books. She said she showed them the few books that made noise and the children jumped around and sang a song to thank god for the books. It is clear with the complete success of ELAAP and ELA’s library project that the demand for ELA is established. Many parents are inquiring about ELA offering Primary School Standard one and two as their desire is to keep their children in the same facility for those first few years. TEP is looking into how to accommodate that demand and assess the importance to the future of ELA.

On August 18th TEP had to say goodbye to our volunteer Eileen. Unfortunately, she left just a few short hours before we received the news that we lost Bibi. Please keep your thoughts and prayers with her as she is alone in the mourning of our grandmother. Over the past three months Eileen has been a great contribution to our work and we are sad to see her go. She has expressed her dedication for TEP and our schools and is currently at home fundraising. As director of TEP I am proud to have Eileen on our team as I know she will continue to be a great asset to our goal of self sustaining educational project.

With the loss of Bibi the future of FANAKA and ELA are being decided. Teresa and I had a chance to meet with the assistant directors and other important players to discuss TEP’s involvement in the future. We decided on future projects and re-established TEP support and focus of self sustainability.

We have been moving forward on the stationary shop. We bought all the stationary supplies and the shop keeper will start the first week in September. This week we will also finalize the soccer field budget, volleyball court and establish the cost for the last few touches on the library. We are also interviewing two librarians in early September.

As my time here is closing the feelings are bitter sweet. Tanzania is a second home to me, the Kahatanos are my second family and everyday I’m with the children it revives my soul. However, I look forward to going back to the TEP donors and sharing this experience with them. It is important for the donors to know their impact on these people. Over the past four months our accomplishments have been great and the outreach of TEP has stretched farther than I could have ever imagined. I will work hard to set up long-term relationships with current and new donors. TEP is excited to establish Beaver Dam as the home fundraising base but is looking forward to bringing in Eileen and Teresa’s home community as supporters.

As always our appreciation and gratitude goes out to our readers, supporters and donors. Without you there would be a TEP or a bright future for these kids. I can’t thank you enough for your continued efforts in helping us make a difference.

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