As a result of the help and donations from volunteers and other community members, our fundraisers were more successful than we could have imagined. Through this blog, we will keep you updated on our journey as we put all of your donations to good use.

Sunday, March 31

Looking Back

Lately I have been hit with the bout of nostalgia while combing through the pictures I took in Tanzania. Granted it hasn't been that long since I left Bunju, but places like Bunju leave an indelible mark on your life. As TEP lays the groundwork for a new website, I have been tasked to select a few pictures of my own for the site. The amount of pictures I have from my trip is staggering and each one brings to mind Bunju, FANAKA, and all the loving people I had the opportunity to spend time with. Every picture I come across reminds of all the hard fought success TEP has had with FANAKA. Not every picture one is a gem but the few that are will always have a special place in my conscious. Pictures of smiling students, hard working TEP volunteers and tireless administrators really puts the challenge of scouring thousands of pictures into perspective. I take immense pride in choosing the best pictures that represent the massive effort put into making TEP and FANAKA the organizations they are today. With that said I hope that the mountains of pictures I have now are just the start of an ever growing collection that I hope to one day maintain with future trips to Bunju. I cherish every friend that I made and every stranger who welcomed me with open arms while in Tanzania and my photos are what tie me to those memories and people on the other side of the world. I very proud of the work I have done and hope all who visit TEP’s new site in the future share in that feeling. We are all looking forward to the future of TEP with the future launch of the new website; I hope you all do to.  

Sean Leyva 

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