As a result of the help and donations from volunteers and other community members, our fundraisers were more successful than we could have imagined. Through this blog, we will keep you updated on our journey as we put all of your donations to good use.

Monday, August 20

As My Time Comes to an End

My time here in Tanzania is almost up, I leave for home tomorrow and leave the people of Africa behind. I hope in my brief stay that I made an impression on those that I met. My time in Tanzania has been an eye-opening experience and I will never forget. I have been witness to so much here in Bunju that I am grateful that I was able to capture much of it on my camera. The people here are so loving and accepting that it made it a joy to photograph the students at the school and the people involved in improving their education.

In my short time here I have made many friends, I couldn't go 20 yards without someone asking me how my day is going. So many of the villagers have never seen or talked to a white person that it is the highlight of their day. They stare with such amazement that you feel like you are in a fishbowl as people tap on the glass. The kids around the village are extremely heartwarming all they want is for you to wave at them and they giggle with excitement. The villagers and students you meet have so many questions about America that I am a little overwhelmed from time to time. It is hard to answer all of them but I do my best to dispel some of the rumors they hear about America.

Over the last couple of weeks I have watched the volunteers for The Tanzanian Education Project put forth so much effort toward making the lives of these students much richer. I hope that the pictures that I have taken for the organization will help improve the lives of the students here. My effort has been nearly nothing compared to the efforts of the volunteers and donors, all I do is click my shutter and hope my images tug at heart strings. Over the next few weeks I hope to post some pictures for the blog as well as my thoughts with them. This has been one of the most amazing times in my life; I will never forget the people that I met and the friends that I made. Goodbye Bunju, I hope to see you sooner rather than later.

Sean Leyva

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