As a result of the help and donations from volunteers and other community members, our fundraisers were more successful than we could have imagined. Through this blog, we will keep you updated on our journey as we put all of your donations to good use.

Tuesday, August 7

To Bagaymoyo and Back

To Bagaymoyo and Back
Katie Poch

Hello everyone, Katie Poch here. I hope all of you are enjoying your summer; it is coming to an end very quickly. Yesterday I had the privilege of going on a field trip with the form four students. We went to Bagamoyo, about 45 minutes away, to the ruins, the old building where the slaves were traded, The Catholic Church Museum, and also to the beach.
The students learned a lot about their country and how it began. They saw where the first people that immigrated to Tanzania lived, they learned about the slave trade in the past, and also where the first Catholic Church was founded. They had learned about these things in their history classes, but to see the places that were talked about in their textbooks was very interesting to them. By their expressions, I could tell how happy the children became when they saw these places with their own eyes. We were not very far from the school, but many of the children had never been to any of these places before. Some of them had never even been to the beach! This was crazy to me as I have only been here for 2 months and have been to the beach many times. Seeing how excited they were to be able to go out and see their country was so rewarding.
 It made me realize how important, not only textbook knowledge is, but how essential to the children's education it is for them to get out of the classroom and do hands on activities. These kids deserve all of the privileges we have in America, and this field trip was just one small way of them being able to have them. 

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