As a result of the help and donations from volunteers and other community members, our fundraisers were more successful than we could have imagined. Through this blog, we will keep you updated on our journey as we put all of your donations to good use.

Sunday, December 4


Hello TEP friends,

We cannot thank you enough for all of your support, hard work and dedication to the Tanzanian Education Project over the past several years. We have all made many sacrifices to give back to this organization and your efforts are greatly appreciated. We are in the heart of the holiday season and in the spirit of giving, please join us for our 2 week Holiday Donation Gift push.

Something about winter holidays brings out the ‘spirit of giving.’ We appreciate the compassion and kindnesses we’ve been shown throughout the year, and we want others to share in that warmth with us. This holiday season, let’s get the word out about all the amazing work TEP volunteers have accomplished, and continue to accomplish in Tanzania.

Sure, $20 can buy a turtleneck sweater or a new CD, but consider what $20 can buy for the children of Tanzania:

$2 buys a full life cycle of a chick for Raising a Future.
$50 could cover the salary of the Stationary Shop keeper for LEAP.
$500 can ensure clean water for the entire year for the girl’s dormitory building.

More importantly, any donation gives these children hope for a better future.

To cut to the chase, we are asking two things of you. Firstly, give the gift of a donation to the Tanzanian Education Project to a friend, family member, or co-worker this holiday season. “Spread the love,” as they say; let’s clue people in to the important work being done in East Africa. Second, ask for the gift of donations. When someone wants to know what you’re asking for this holiday season, tell them about the TEP. Share the news of our accomplishments! Let them know that through the work of the TEP volunteers, and donations from individuals like you across the country, a water cache system was installed at FANAKA Secondary School, and that’s just one example of the way the TEP is changing lives in Tanzania. Let them know that the simple gift of a donation can make a big difference.

For the next 2 weeks it’s up to all of us! Spread the message of the Tanzanian Education Project. Any donation, big or small, means the world to the children of Tanzania.

We thank you for your continued support. Happy Holidays from all of us at TEP.


Cassie Parkhurst

Founder and President

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