As a result of the help and donations from volunteers and other community members, our fundraisers were more successful than we could have imagined. Through this blog, we will keep you updated on our journey as we put all of your donations to good use.

Saturday, September 18

Back In The States

Hello again friends, family and dedicated readers,

Teresa and I arrived in the U.S on September 14th. The flight went well as all persons and luggage arrived safely. Teresa is currently at home and is taking time to recover and is doing well. We are both trying to get over jetleg and spending some time unwinding from the overload of stress. Over the next few days we will both be spending a lot of time with our family and friends and will need some time to get ourselves together before we get back to work. Although this relaxing business is difficult for a person like me, I think it will be best for the sanity of my family if I take such time.

Within the last few weeks of our stay in Tanzania TEP built one more library at Hope and Joy pre-primary and primary school in a village named Mbweni. I delivered 700 books to the school and the children were so excited about the books that they choose to skip their mid day meal. The second we opened the boxes their eyes were glued and their faces sparkled. One boy named James told me the books were a gift from God and that he would go home to tell his parents to pray. It was an amazing moment and I am so thankful to be a part of it. TEP also opened the stationary shop for business and equipped all FANAKA’s and ELA’s classrooms with maps, learning posters and pictures. Also plans were set for future projects which include building a chicken coup, building a water catch system for clean drinking water and finishing the computer lab to name a few.

Leaving TZ couldn’t have been more bitter-sweet. I am happy to get Teresa home so she could continue her recovery and relax a little myself. However, leaving our schools and 2nd family is always difficult. I am confident that TEP supporters will see our accomplishments and will want to continue to support us in the future.

Currently, Eileen is actively working on setting up our NGO status as well as laying foundations for fundraising. In the next few days she will also be finishing up with the documentary. TEP’s administrative assistant, Jennifer is working on the website and as the director I will be tying up loose ends and getting back into interviews next week.

Words cannot describe the gratitude and appreciation we have for all of our supporters. You all have been great during this difficult time and without your help we wouldn’t have been able to make it. Thank you.

Thursday, September 2

Return Home

Hello again,

Unfortunately, this beautiful country has struck again with illness. As if malaria, worms and bacterial infections were not enough, Teresa has fallen very ill due to a reaction to her medication. She is currently in the best facility in Tanzania and is now improving. We will be cutting our trips short to be sure she can get the necessary follow-up treatments in Minnesota. We shall be arriving back in the states around September 16th and I am confident her condition will improve.

Please keep Teresa and her family in your prayers as this is a difficult time for them. As her close friend and colleague I am very proud of Teresa. Her accomplishments here in TZ have been remarkable and she has been nothing but an asset to the TEP. Her impact will last within these kids forever.

I will do my best to update you readers before I leave or shortly after I return to the US. If you wish to send a message to her or her family you may do so at